Published: July 10, 2024

From the Membership Committee...

This committee is currently planning for several activities to bring our members together. Ideas include a free summer music concert series meet-up, a beach outing to relax and network, a visit to one of the state’s botanical gardens with an easy hike. More details will be shared with members as soon as they become available with sign-ups. We are also in the planning phase of scheduling some live online meet-ups bring our members together in a virtual format to discuss various topics relevant to our industry. Some will be professional member-focused and may be student-focused. Either way, all would be welcome. Check out our upcoming Membership Meetups!

Join A Chapter Committee - Get Involved!

Have you thought about doing more with your AMTA membership? The word “committee” or “volunteer” can be intimidating. Instead, maybe think of all the great benefits from knowing your MA Chapter better. Fun events, meeting great people in your neighborhood meet-ups, outreach with special populations of clients you want to work with, job opportunities (including the paying kind!!), and leadership opportunities. Getting more involved should be a gentle step into something you’re already doing, already passionate about, or where you would like to learn more.

Are you ready to connect and join us? CLICK HERE!