Once proposed position statements have gone through the review process, they are sent to delegates and made available to the membership via the AMTA Web site for feedback. Using this feedback to help form an opinion on the Position Statement, the delegate goes to the House of Delegates meeting where the Position Statement is debated and then voted on. If the Position Statement passes the House of Delegates, it becomes an official position of AMTA. Therefore, it is in the best interests of the maker of the Position Statement to submit a proposal that is in-keeping with AMTA policy and meets the criteria for a Position Statement.
Proposed AMTA position statements are discussed and voted upon at the annual House of Delegates meeting each fall. Any member can submit a proposal through their delegate by February 1 each year. After review to ensure proposals meet all criteria, they are made available for comment by all AMTA members. The 2010 Delgates to the National Convention would love to hear your feedback. Please email info@massamta.org with your comments and/or questions.
The 2010 Statements are:
There is also one Recommendation to the House of Delegates concerning Distance Learning. Read about it here: