The Recommendations and Position Statements for 2012 are now available. The five elected Delegates from the AMTA Mass Chapter will vote on behalf of the Mass Chapter and its members. In order for the Delegates to most accurately represent you, the member, they need to know your thoughts on the Recommendations and Statements. If a Recommendation passes the HOD, it is sent to the National Board, who will vote on whether it becomes an official Recommendation of the AMTA. If a Statement passes, National AMTA will adopt the Statement and promote it.
2012 HOD Recommendations
1. Therefore, be it resolved that the House of Delegates recommend to the National Board of Directors that Chapters, if they wish, may submit documentation to National AMTA to be reimbursed for funds spent visiting schools.
2. In the case of resignation or any other reason a Delegate is unable to complete their entire term, If a Delegate is unable to attend the HOD Orientation or HOD Business Meeting due to circumstances beyond their control complete their entire term an Alternate, according to the order of votes received in that same Chapter election, shall assume the Delegate position for the HOD meetings of that session; or, upon resignation, for the remainder of the unexpired term.
2012 HOD Position Statements
It is the position of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) that
1. Massage therapy can be effective in reducing low back pain.
2. Creating public health initiatives which promote massage therapy for health and wellness would benefit the public.
3. Massage therapy can be good for health.
4. Massage therapy can help improve sleep.
5. Massage therapy can be a beneficial part of an integrative treatment plan for those who suffer with fibromyalgia syndrome.
6. Massage therapy can assist in the rehabilitation of burn scars.
Delegates make their decision based on:
- Reading the Recommendations and Position Statements in detail
- Determining if the references cited in the Position Statements are relevant
- Listening to the suggestions and considerations from Chapter members
- Debate occurring at the 2012 House of Delegates Session
Mass Chapter members should be sure to read upcoming emails and blog posts for more information about how the House of Delegates works, and discussion about each recommendation and statement.