Chapter Officers serve a term of two years and are elected by the general membership at chapter meetings. Applications must be received by April 28, 2014, No nominations will be accepted at Annual Meeting.
The following volunteer positions are open for elections, all are 2 year terms, please click on job title for description.
Use this form to run for President, Vice President or Secretary positions: Chapter Candidate Application Form
All Volunteers must sign the Volunteer Code of Conduct upon election or appointment.
Delegates serve a term of two years and are elected by the general membership at chapter meetings. Applications must be received by April 30, 2014. No nominations will be accepted at Annual Meeting. Please click on job title for description.
Use this form to run for a Delgate position: Massachusetts Chapter Delegate Application Form
Beginning January 1, 2013, revised Bylaws related to delegate and alternate positions will be in effect. Delegates and Alternates will now be held in two separate elections. Delegates will be held in the same manner and have the same term. Alternates will now be elected to a ONE YEAR term. Alternates will be elected at the same time as delegates and other chapter officers, but to a one-year term only. Alternates will be listed as Alternate one, Alternate two and so on. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes will fill Alternate number one, the candidate receiving the next highest amount of votes will fill Alternate number two and so on.
One open Delegate Alternate positions (ONE YEAR term)
Use this form to run for an ALTERNATE Delgate position: Massachusetts Chapter ALTERNATE Delegate Application Form
All Volunteers must sign the Delegate Code of Conduct upon election or appointment.