Date: June 26, 2016
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 11:11AM.
Roll Call: President, Greg Hurd – 1st VP, Katie Adams - 2nd VP, Sue Cormier – Treasurer, Patty Jaworski - Secretary, Nichole Cross - CSMT Chair, Gordon Pilotte – Education Chair, Deb Baker
New Roles Reviewed: Greg passed out the volunteer list and talked about different people’s roles. He would like us to CC him and speak with him about important things that we do with/for the chapter in order to keep communication clear.
Approval of Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes of the 5/3/2016 conference call as they are presented made by Patty Jaworski, seconded by Nichole Cross, voted unanimously to approve.
Click here for the link to minutes.
Total – 2746 (around 30 student members)
Ex Members – 30, 21 were professional members
New - 22, 15 are graduate members
Returning – 14 all professional members
New members are contacted via email with a letter from Gail and a welcoming letter from the Chapter President. Discussed that Kelly used to make phone calls to people whose membership is expiring and for new members.
Note: As a non-profit, we are not allowed to have raffles anymore. We can do giveaways in which we call out names.
Greg will be cataloging what is in our Storage Unit (on the Cape)
Mentor Program will be further developed in 2016-2018 - the program needs to be defined, how in depth is this program?
Greg will check with national what our liabilities are. What is the role of a mentor maybe we can just have an way new MT’s can ask questions - Gordon suggests a new name - something like “ask an experienced massage therapist questions about our profession”.
Ring Central - Nichole will contact Lisa and handle Ring Central and make sure Greg knows how to do this and set up protocol for responding to phone messages and update message.
Ask Alan Jacobson and Mark Molloy - Can we video speakers, such as Mark Molloy, at the Annual Meeting?
Budget and Finances:
Click here for the link for budget 2016-2017 YTD.
Went through budget to date.
Discussed IDEA conference bill and how our budgeting needs to change in order to reflect the actual costs.
We were awarded the LLEAD grant for law and ledge from national for $6,000.
Previous Amex card was closed and now Patty and Greg each have an amex with a $4000 limit. These cards were previously approved by a Board vote.
Update from National BOD meeting:
- HOD update.
- No position statements at this point to review - discussed future of HOD at 2016 National Convention. We will keep this information quiet until we hear officially from National as to the status of the HOD at the October National Convention.
- At the recent National Board meeting (held in Tampa, FL), a motion created three workgroups to review and revise AMTA Bylaws, Policies, Standing Rules, Chapter Position Descriptions and Chapter Board Composition.
- National is working at defining “at risk” Chapters - based on number of Board members and financials
- The board approved changes to Bylaws for a 5 member chapter board with the titles President, Secretary and Financial Administrator, and two additional voting board members, to be implemented with the 2017 chapter elections.
The Bylaw change removed the IPP position for chapters effective with the 2017 elections; chapter past presidents can serve in an advisory role.
Guiding Principles:
Training materials, education, and a communication plan will be developed along with sample election scenarios to be sent to chapters, as well as placed on the volunteer hub.
Chapter Position Descriptions will be revised and submitted to the national board for approval at the October 2016 meeting.
- Community Service Massage Team (CSMT) Policy Updates commendations on volunteer structures, roles, and responsibilities.
- FEMA training can be optional for team members, but required for team leaders.
- It was recommended to the board that the AMTA logo should be the only logo displayed on chapter CSMT shirts. This provides consistency and AMTA brand recognition. Uniform use of the AMTA logo also prevents the need for a “team” to review individual chapter logos. The board approved an update of the current CSMT Policy, effective June 13, 2016.
- As a Guiding Principle, chapters that already have CSMT team shirts may continue to use them until they need to order new shirts. logos.
- Conflict of Interest for AMTA Volunteers Working and/or Volunteering for ABMP - It is in the best interests of AMTA that individuals holding volunteer positions as identified above not provide services, either volunteer or for pay, to ABMP, at any ABMP event or to other direct competitors.
This does not apply to national standing committee members, operational committee members, chapter committee chairs or chapter committee members.
The GSC indicated to the board that a clear message about use and sharing of AMTA intellectual property and/or materials is needed.
The board approved changes to AMTA Policy, Volunteer Conduct, Section III effective June 13, 2016 and requested staff create communications and training on use and sharing of AMTA intellectual property.
6. The Hub is a new on-line back office for volunteers that we will have more info on soon.
The Intranet, which offers some similar information and resources, can be reached through your AMTA profile
Education: Deb Baker
Next class Burlington Marriott - Sunday September 25th and Monday September 26th
Yaron Gal teaching Table Thai on Sunday. He will teach Structural Approach to Rebalance the Myofascial Layers of the Spine on Monday.
See for details
IDEA 2017:
March 31-April 2, 2017
- Speakers coming back
James Waslowski
Judi DeLany
Kate Peck - Intro to craniosacral
- Proposed speakers
Shari Auth - Auth method
Drew Freedman - KT taping
Mental health first aid
Katie and Greg are sending info to Deb about cancer and massage
Group talked about possibly bringing someone in who does cupping classes
Looking for someone to do ethics and research - possibly Ruth Werner or Pete Whitridge
Things that need to be worked on this year.
Signs on the door
Better directions to where the classes are
Vendor space
Would like to have 3 state divisions with lists of therapists who we can mobilize in case of an emergency.
Sue suggested video’s of the trainings instead.
Greg would like Alan and Gordon to come up with a vision statement for what they want it to look like.
Law & Legislation:
- LLEAD - $6,000 given by national for helping law and leg to pay for the lobbyist focusing on their work with the state as they set up regulations regarding bodywork.
- Engage - a cool site that anyone can go to on National’s website that has to do with law and legislation.
- Upcoming Legislation news to be aware of
- Friday July 8th - public meeting for state board and are going over establishment license and other amendments. They want every massage therapist to be established no matter where they work. There are other proposed Amendments such as removal of the 8-hour exemption. Please go to for details.
- State Board member need a new one as one of the MTs is stepping down.
National Massage Therapy Awareness Week: Put out an e-blast and promote what other people are doing.
Awards: Did away awards such as the 5 hands awards. This is not news but this one reiterated at the recent National Board meeting. They are looking at other options for awards.
Upcoming Meetings:
August 2 - 8pm - Call
September 12 - 8pm - Call
September 25 - In Person - 12-2 Chapter Meeting. Leadership meeting 2-5. Leadership meeting following the Chapter Meeting instead of meeting in the morning so it will be a more relaxed morning commute. [Note: I am teaching at Bancroft on Saturday, the 24th so we won’t be able to meet that day.
November 20th - PRE budget in person 11-3 tentatively @360NMT
December 6 - 8pm - Call
February 12th - BUDGET MEETING - in person - 11-5
Adjournment: Nichole Cross made a Motion to adjourn and seconded by Patty Jaworski - motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 3:10 pm