Research & statistics show that massage is now the modality most sought out by consumers for self-care outside of traditional medicine. Whether for relaxation, stress management, chronic pain or sports massage, finding a massage therapist, can be challenging. There are many different types of massage & how do you know which one is right for you.
There are questions you should ask before you schedule a session with a massage therapist.
- Are they licensed?
- Are they Nationally certified?
- Are they a member of the American Massage Therapy Association?
- What can you expect from your massage therapy session?
The Massachusetts Chapter of The American Massage Therapy Association would like to make the process of finding a Massage Therapist a little easier for you. Our "Find a Qualified Massage Therapist National Locator Service" link will help you find a Massage Therapist in your area who is appropriately credentialed & the link below will provide tips for the consumer in choosing the professional who is right for you. Click here for more consumer information from the AMTA.